Documentation for club managers
In order to be able to manage the race schedule of a club, you must first have a PiRcube Spot account and link your account to the club your are managing. You'll then be able to publish the schedule and to allow members of the club to announce their clocking in a race.
How to create a PiRcube SPOT account ?
In order to be able to manage a club, it is mandatory to have your own PiRcube SPOT account. This is true even if you already have a PiRcube LOFT account.
The creation of your PiRcube SPOT account can be done using the registering page. An activation email will be sent after the registration. Click on the activation link included in that mail in order to active your account.
If you already have a PiRcube SPOT account but if you have forgotten its password, you can reset it using this page.
How to link my account to the club I manage ?
- Click on
[I represent a club or a federation and I want to manage our races]
and log in if required.
- Click on
[Manage my account or linked clubs and federation]
- Click on
[Link my account to a club or a federation]
- Select your status inside the club.
- Fill in the club country and license number. PiRcube proposes automatically the list of clubs corresponding to the entered characters.
Two possible cases :
- The searched club appears in the list
- Click on the name of the club once it appears in the list. All remaining fields are automatically filled in.
- Click on the button
[Link my account]
- The searched club does not appear in the list
- Make sure you correctly entered the
andLicense number
fields, than on the button[Link my account]
. - As it is a new club still unknown in the application, you are requested to complete the required information about the club.
- Once those informations completed, click on
Click on [Clubs or federations linked to my account]
to ensure the club correctly appears in the list of clubs linked to your account.
How to manage the race schedule of my club ?
- Click on
[I represent a club or a federation and I want to manage our races]
and log in if required.
- Click on
[Manage the races schedule of clubs related to my account]
- In the drop-down list, select the club for which you want to manage the races schedule.
The following operations are possible :
Add a race :
- Click on the button
to display the window named[Add a race]
- Fill in the liberation place of the race. PiRcube proposes automatically the list of known places corresponding to the entered characters.
- Click on the liberation place once it appears in the list. If your race does not appear, Follow this procedure to add it to the database.
- Complete the form by filling in the requested information :
- Liberation date
- Basketing date
- All categories for which a classification will be issued
- Distance type
- Information (free comment).
- Click on the button
to add the race to the schedule.
Edit a race :
- Activate the race menu by hovering the mouse over the
icon located at the end of each race row.
- Click on
[Edit the race]
to display the window named[Edit the race]
- Perform the required modifications than click on the button
Remove a race :
- Activate the race menu by hovering the mouse over the
icon located at the end of each race row.
- Click on
[Delete the race]
to display the window named[Remove a race]
- Confirm the race deletion by clicking on the button
How to change a scheduled race into a SPOT race ?
- Click on
[I represent a club or a federation and I want to manage our races]
and log in if required.
- Click on
[Manage the races schedule of clubs related to my account]
- In the drop-down list, select the club for which you want to manage the races schedule.
The following operations are possible :
Add a race to the SPOT races :
- Activate the race menu by hovering the mouse over the
icon located at the end of each race row.
- Click on
[Add to Spot races]
to transform the race into a SPOT race. - A red
then appears next to the race name to show that this is a Spot race. Spot races can be managed using the Manage ongoing or pending Spot races page.
next to the race name means that the race is a pending Spot race. A green [S]
stands for an ongoing Spot race (opened to fancier announcements). A black [S]
stands for a closed Spot race.
Remove a race from the Spot races :
- This option only appears for pending Spot races (red
). - Activate the race menu by hovering the mouse over the
icon located at the end of each race row.
- Click on
[Remove from the Spot races]
to remove this race from the pending Spot races. The red[S]
View the Spot race :
- This option only appears for ongoing Spot races (green
). - Activate the race menu by hovering the mouse over the
icon located at the end of each race row.
- Click on
[View this Spot race]
. You will be forwarded to the Manage ongoing or pending Spot races page.
How to allow participant fanciers to announce their clockings into a race of my club ?
- Make sure the race you want to open to announcements has correctly been added to the Spot races. In that case, a green or red
appears next to the race name in the club schedule. If it is not the case, follow this procedure.
- Click on
[I represent a club or a federation and I want to manage our races]
and log in if required.
- Click on
[Manage ongoing or pending Spot races]
- In the drop-down list, select the club for which you want to manage the races schedule.
- Click on
[Pending races]
to view the list of Spot races yet to be opened. Only fully completed races can be opened to announcements.
- Activate the race menu by hovering the mouse over the
icon located at the end of each race row.
The following operations are possible :
Complete the race :
To be used the day of the race, once pigeons have been liberated. Allows to fill in all informations linked to the liberation and to open the race to announcements.
Click on [Complete]
to fill in all informations linked to the liberation :
- Liberation data : organizer, liberation time and weather conditions.
- Participants : Total count of pigeons engaged by your club.
- Information (free comment).
- Participants per category : Indicate the count of engaged pigeons by your club for each category of participants.
in order to input your own liberation informations.
Click on the button [Submit]
to complete the data introduction.
Once fully completed, the race can be opened to announcements
Open the Spot race :
To be used the day of the race, once all liberation informations have been filled in. Allows to open a race to announcements and to make it available to fanciers in the I'm a fancier and I want to subscribe to a race to announce my clockings page.
- Only fully completed races can be opened to announcements.
- Click on
[open this Spot race]
to move the race from the pending list to the ongoing one. The race is now available to fanciers. - You can now manage the received announcements and close the race.
Remove the race from the Spot races :
If you do not intend to open a race to announcements, you can remove it from the pending races list.
- Click on
[Remove from the Spot races]
to withdraw the race from the list of pending races. - The removed race can be opened again using the race schedule management page.
How to manage the received announcements and close the race ?
- Make sure the race is correctly opened to announcements. In that case, a green
appears next to the race name in the club schedule. If it is not the case, follow this procedure.
- Click on
[I represent a club or a federation and I want to manage our races]
and log in if required.
- Click on
[Manage ongoing or pending Spot races]
- In the drop-down list, select the club for which you want to manage the races schedule.
- Click on
[Open races]
to show the list of Spot races currently ongoing and opened to announcements.
- Activate the race menu by hovering the mouse over the
icon located at the end of each race row.
The following operations are possible :
Monitor the race :
Allows the club manager to monitor and administer the race and to play a moderator role.
This tool allows to
- ban a fancier whom is not a real participant
- delete an announcement that is evaluated as incorrect
- send messages to connected fanciers
Close a race :
Click on [Close the race]
to finish the race announcements session.
Once a manager estimates that the count of announcements exceeds with no doubts the maximum count of possible prices for this club, he can close the race session. As a immediate effect, the race will not be available to fanciers anymore. Fanciers currently connected in the Google map will receive a closing message and will not be able to send new clocking announcements. The closed race can be opened again using the race schedule management page.