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PiRcube SPOT : Documentation

This Wiki provides on-line help to PiRcube SPOT users. You will find on this page an introduction to the software and a table of contents with all available features. Most of the help pages are directly and contextually accessible from the application pages.

The documentation is divided into several sections :

PiRcube SPOT, what is it ?

PiRcube SPOT is first a clocking announcements ranking and geolocation service. The fancier can subscribe to a race and comes to a Google Earth map where he can introduce the clocking times of his pigeons. Announcements of all participating fanciers are geolocalized. A ranking table is displayed and refreshed automatically.

PiRcube SPOT provides also an race schedule management interface for the clubs. Club managers can introduce the full race schedule of their club. That schedule becomes publicly available on the Internet. They can also choose among their schedule which of the races will become SPOT races, means races opened to spot announcements.

For what price ?

PiRcube SPOT is free.

Discover PiRcube SPOT using the DEMO race

To evaluate the ranking and geolocation service, a new iteration of a fictional race on Limoux is started every odd hour. This demo is a two hour simulation, each time different, of clocking announcements introduced by fictional fanciers. You can subscribe to the race and introduce your own fictional clocking times. After two hours, the race will be closed and a new iteration will start.

How to subscribe to the DEMO race ?

  1. Go to the PiRcube SPOT site.
  2. Click on the menu [I'm a fancier and I want to subscribe to a race to announce my clockings].
  3. Click on the button [Enter my coordinates manually] and fill in your name, your locality and your loft coordinates. Then click on the button [Login].
  4. Click on the race Limoux.
  5. Click on the organizer “Convoyeurs démo
  6. Select at least one of the listed clubs then click on [Submit].
  7. You are forwarded now to the Google Earth map of the demo race. You can simulate your own clocking announcements.

Documentation for fanciers

Documentation for club managers

Pages of the PiRcube SPOT application

You didn't found the answer to your question ?

Do not hesitate to ask your question directly to this address : admin@pir3.net.








en/spot/spot.txt · Dernière modification: 2023/06/09 07:42 de wadmin